Tuesday, March 19, 2013


"What he is, he will be, there can be no
change. Why then, I ask, should we praise him? He could not have
been different from what he was and is. Why should we pray to him?
He cannot change."

If we are ment to be, and God knows our plan, everything that will happen in our lives, and all the choices we will make, because he is the all knowing God. Why do we pray? Why do we ask for things from God? For change, cures, problems. Which leads me to ask, does God answer prayers? We praise and say my prayers we answered! But it was always ment to be, nothing changed within your plan for your life God has made for you.

So restating the facts, Your life is planned out by God before you are even born. God is all knowing and knows everything you will do and have done. So i restate the question.

Does God answer even prayers?
Wouldnt your asking of something from God be changing the plan?

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